W.O.W. - Wood Only Work

Dates: July 5th - August 31st, 2019

OPENING RECEPTION: Friday, July 5th, 5-8 pm

This international wood exhibition, in conjunction with the American Association of Woodturners Symposium in Raleigh, features the works of over twenty world-class wood turners and sculptors. As the mnemonic implies, W.O.W is meant to impress.



Christian Burchard, Jim Christiansen, Andy DiPietro, Cindy Drozda, J Paul Fennell, Robyn Horn, Todd Hoyer, Arthur Jones, John Jordan, Stoney Lamar, Robert Lyon, Alain Mailland, Hal Metlitzky, Harvey Meyer, Matt Moulthrop, Philip Moulthrop, Pascal Oudet, George Peterson, Michael Peterson, Betty ScarpinoBrad Sells, Curt Theobald, + Hans Weissflog.



Parallel Conversations: A Life’s Journey with Wood Art” lecture with Betty Scarpino on Saturday, July 6 at 11:30 a.m.


July 5 - August 31, 2019
W.O.W. - Wood Only Work