HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN: Tamie Beldue & Reuben Negrón

In collaboration with Galeria Contrast in Barcelona, Spain, Blue Spiral 1 presents an exhibition featuring the works of Tamie Beldue and Reuben Negrón, on view at Galeria Contrast from June 2nd - July 30th, 2022.

[From Galeria Contrast:]

HOW THE LIGHT GETS IN is a title that speaks both of the visual poetry presented in the artwork of North American artists Tamie Beldue and Reuben Negrón, as well as to the most essential technical aspect of painting, which is light. How does it behave? How is it represented? How is light trapped inside an artwork?

This curiosity and concern about light have been shared throughout the History of Art in Western culture, and beyond finding a final answer, it is enriching to witness the way in which artists represent this element over and over again, and thanks to this exercise they never cease to amaze us.

With intimate themes of psychological introspection, represented in internal spaces at times erotic, we attend an exhibition of two artists who, without coming from a Spanish tradition or school, due to their technique and theme, could fit perfectly within the contemporary figurative art scene of this country.

Both artists are visitors to Barcelona due to their social and political status, but the way they conceive art, the place from which they think about it and the way they work with pencils, watercolors and charcoal, are elements that allow them to break boundaries and fully communicate with the local painting scene. They help us to remember once again that art does not need languages or geographical location to be a space for communion.

Thanks to the collaboration with Blue Spiral 1 gallery (North Carolina, USA), Galeria Contrast has the opportunity to present Tamie Beldue and Reuben Negrón, an exhibition that also speaks of the shared intentions between both galleries, our commitment to contemporary figurative art, and the relationships that help us grow in the art world.

June 2 - July 30, 2022