"American Ghosts" combines Julyan Davis’ lifetime of painting the vanishing American landscape with his storytelling skills as a novelist. Following in the tradition of fellow British artist, William Hogarth of ‘A Rake's Progress,’ Davis presents us with three characters as they travel westward during the Gold Rush. We meet Betsy, the pioneer; Belle, the jilted civil war belle; and Nancy, the strongwoman from a dustbowl circus as they begin their journey across the worn palimpsest of America’s past, their paths will meet again and again. The story is not told sequentially: the paintings jump back and forth, responding to each other. It’s about hope, and discovery. It’s about the land and the people in the land. An odyssey heading West. Davis lets the characters drive the plot of the paintings, much as in his fiction.
The exhibition will feature ceramic vessels by Santa Fe artist Matt Repsher.
Opening Reception: July 7th (5-7pm)