Common Thread celebrates a selection of twenty artists whose practices are united by a singular material: fiber. While many of the artists employ traditional textile techniques such as weaving, quilting, and embroidery, others explore the potential of fiber through basketry and sculpture. The show aims to highlight how textiles can be reimagined to address both personal and cultural narrative; underscoring the material's role as a common thread that links craft and fine art.
Artists: Natalie Baxter, Anna Buckner, Clay Burnette, Casey Engel, Kimberly English, Helen Geglio, Kay Healy, Bryant Holsenbeck, Asa Jackson, Julian Jamaal Jones, Paula Kovarik, Connie Lippert, Stephanie Santana, Lars Shimabukuro, Britny Wainwright, and Lowell Zelenka.
Opening Reception: Friday, September 6th (5-7pm)