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Opening Reception for 4 New Exhibitions Friday March 8th 5-8pm on view until April 27th:
En Plein Air (main gallery)
The French term en plein air means out of doors and refers to the practice of painting from life, outside of the artist’s studio. The artists in this group exhibition have painted entire finished landscapes en plein air or created preparatory studies en plein air from which the final work is derived.
Chris Bell, Julyan Davis, Jonathan Hayes, Joy Moser, Lilian Garcia-Roig,Peggy Root, Chad Smith, Deborah Squier, Peter Van Dyck.
Utilitarian - Tool Show (lower level gallery)
This group exhibition examines tools as both instruments for work and objects of beauty. While some artists in the show create work that in themselves function as tools, others create purely aesthetic works made from steel, glass, clay, or wood.
Kenneth Baskin, Rick Beck, Robert Burch, Seth Gould, Jackson Martin, Meghan Martin, Zack Noble, Brent Oglesbee, Hayden Wilson. Paintings by Ward Nichols.
Peter Alberice (showcase gallery)
Painter and architect, Peter Alberice, draws inspiration from historic towns and landscapes in Italy. In this new body of work he continues to create abstract works which give a nod to his architectural background, appreciation for the elements of design, and love of history.
Matt Repsher (small format gallery)
Matt Repsher’s thrown and carved ceramic forms are inspired by architectural and geometric design. In this solo exhibition, Repsher presents recent work from his residencies at Penland School of Crafts and Shigaraki in Japan.